Gmo Hindrance

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Have you ever performed an action that you had regretted due to the aftermath? Perhaps, receiving a ticket due to parking your car in an illegal space, or missing your morning practice for a sport because you overslept due to the party you attended? Well, that relates to GMO’s. These foods may be delicious and abundant, but they do have an undesired effect on the planet. GMO’s are a hindrance to society and need to be rid of urgently. Genetically modified organisms are diminishing biodiversity in ecosystems. The term "biodiversity" comes from "biological" and "diversity," and refers to the total diversity of all life in a given locale—it could be as small as a garden or as big as the planet Earth. According to Deniza Gertsberg, approximately …show more content…

As said prior, GMO’s reinforce genetic homogeneity. This means that these foods undergo the same process of being created, therefore declining the variations in crops. Another example GMO’s decrease biodiversity is that they promote large scale monoculture. Monoculture is the agricultural practice of producing or growing a single crop or plant species in a field at a time. This leads other crops to being neglected and vulnerable to pests, diseases and climate change. These organisms also develop superbugs and superweeds since over-reliance on and the abundant use of single herbicide and pesticide lead to resistance in the pest community. Dr. Don Huber had said that “the unregulated use of glyphosate-resistant crop systems has triggered an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant weeds infesting 10 million acres of land. Glyphosate is the chemical primarily used in crop field ever since the emergence of GMO’s. This has also caused vulnerability to other crops which, overall, hinders biodiversity. Additionally, GMO’s are grown in dynamic surroundings and get themselves involved with other species within the ecosystem. Due to the crops sudden nascent in nature, it affects the fitness of …show more content…

Or at least, they should be regulated. Large corporations have pushed genetically modified foods into our supermarkets and farms without being tested for the effects these types of foods can have on humans and the environment. Federal agencies have failed to determine GMO’s as safe, even though there are mountainous amounts of information collected from scientists and researchers identifying GMO’s as harmful to ecosystems. Due to the poor management of the government, problems caused by GMO’s have been able to be overlooked. Significant incidents caused by GMO’s are increases in the use of pesticides, and the development of deadly allergic reactions. GMO’s are created through the use of genetic engineering. This involves the appliance of a unique trait organism into another organism. Another reason that tests are insufficiently ran on GMO’s is the possibility of them being outlawed. Seed firms such as Monsanto, DuPont, and Novartis utilize GMO’s to gain high profits and continue to advance on the engineering on GMO’s. GMO’s take an account for 60% of food and agricultural products sold in the country. The product is so profitable that the US promote its production and its producers. The government also pressures European countries to indulge themselves with the GMO’s. They also wish to influence other countries such in Africa and Mexico. GMO’s are also difficult to be tested due to powerful corporations involved in

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