Global Warming Satire

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Dale Fredricks
Lake Michigan College

Global Warming has been a hot topic in the news lately, as well as among coworkers, friends and family. As I look outside, I see snow on the ground in mid April, and temperatures around 30 degrees. From the rising temperature of Earth to the international treaty talks trying to get as many countries as possible on the same page when it comes to environmental responsibility, it seems everywhere you look someone is talking about it. Everyone has heard of global warming, it is a it is a household phrase, but what exactly is global warming? A lot of people think they know, but do they really? Or are they just confusing global warming with climate change? What are greenhouse gases …show more content…

However, Earth’s weather is complicated. Rising global temperatures will result in considerable changes in weather patterns, most obvious in North America, Europe, and most of Asia. Because it takes more than twice as much energy to heat water than land and the Southern Hemisphere contains more water than the Northern Hemisphere, the changes won’t be nearly as drastic south of the equator. As a result of global warming summers will be much hotter and droughts will be more common and more severe. Hot air has the capability of holding more moisture, so rains won’t fall as frequently. Further, the fall will bring heavy rains as the hot summer air is cooled and will no longer be able to hold all the water vapor it had been storing. This can result in severe flooding. Strangely, though, global warming will actually create colder winters. The energy in the atmosphere capable of moving the large arctic air masses will be abundant, making giant winter storms colder, more frequent, and much harsher. Finally, global warming will cause ocean levels to rise as the terrestrial glaciers on Greenland and Antarctica begin to melt (Triacca, …show more content…

The increase in greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere has the potential to alter the course of history for generations to come, and if some extreme measures aren’t taken now to change the path the Earth is heading, the long term effects of the changing weather patterns will completely change the landscape of our planet. It’s a delicate balance, as we rely very heavily on fossil fuels, the burning of which are is the biggest contributor to the Greenhouse Effect and global warming. Regardless, changes need to be made to divert from the path we are on, unless we all want “Polar Vortex” to become the

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