Global Warming In Canada Essay

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Introduction: Global warming is a serious issue that is happening in this planet. The impacts can be seen all over the world but global warming is making Canada especially wary. One the most serious and problematic issues that results in global warming is the melting of Glaciers. In addition, Glaciers like Greenland are known to be melting at an alarming rate of nine percent per decade. Furthermore, this is dangerous news for Canada once many cities and provinces will be flooded, and these are grave issues for Canada’s population.
Key Thinkers /Solutions: One of the best key thinkers for this issue is David Suzuki. In addition, he also proposed various solutions to lessen this thoughtful issue.
Green your community: Transportation is a culprit of over 25 percent of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, one of the best ways to stop this is to use other ways of transport like walking, cycling and others.
Energy efficient: Light bulbs are a major hazard for global warming. Nevertheless, there are solutions to knock this is issue out of the way. Changing light bulbs to compact fluorescent or led bulbs is a great way to lessen the issue, primarily because these generate at about 70% less heat than normal light bulbs. In addition, it is also important to remember to unplug computers, TVs and other electronic devices …show more content…

Global warming can only be solved if individuals do something to stop it, so it is helpful for them to be aware of the problem. However, many individuals do not believe in global warming, and many do not want to believe once it would harm their business and interests. Nevertheless, by decreasing the production of cars, fabrics and others, would also decrease global warming. In addition, the planting of trees would also be vitally important. Trees take sunlight and convert water and Co2 to oxygen, so more trees the better to solve the

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