Gerrymandering System Research Paper

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On January 22, 2018, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court stated that the gerrymandering system violates the Pennsylvania Constitution. A gerrymandering system is a tool that both political parties use to “rig the system”, right now the Republicans are using the gerrymandering system to get extra republicans into the political battle between the two majority parties. The gerrymandering system was the reason that Pennsylvania went Republican in the previous election, and the Democrats are putting their foot down because the majority vote in Pennsylvania is democratic. If the gerrymandering system is revoked then, the new plan that they have does not set awkward boundaries but rather boundaries based on population, which I agree with. As you can see …show more content…

On the voting day last semester in November I stood outside Central High School and supported the Republican party under the same tent as the Democrats. I’ll admit I can be a little judgemental towards Democrats, okay, really judgemental. Anyhow I was able to have a peaceful talk about politics with an elderly democratic lady, who I judged as an old cat lady, and it was very interesting to hear and learn from her perspective, and actually, she changed my mind about some democratic views making some stronger and some weaker. But to get back to the point, while I was there she taught me about gerrymandering, she told me about how both Democrats and republican draw the lines to help their party as much as possible. I do not think that the issue is with Pennsylvania but all states that use the gerrymandering system. I believe as a United States citizen that all people should have equal say in how their country is going to run in the future and when they use the rigged up system they are creating an oligarchy, which the two major political parties are like small groups that control everything they can and rather need to listen to what the people

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