Germany Vaccination Analysis

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The article I read informs readers why Germany, Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States governments are now creating and enforcing policies to have children vaccinated. In Germany, in the month of July, a policy went into effect that now requires parents and guardians to abide by showing proof of vaccination counseling to their child’s school before enrolling children in kindergarten. This policy enforces schools to contact government agencies for any parent who is unaccounted for showing proof of vaccination by a doctor for their child. The article then explains that Germany enforced this policy due to 634 reported cases of measles (“ a viral disease that can lead to complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis”) in May …show more content…

Even though it is mandated to have children’s vaccines up to date, many parents feel as if their children should be obligated to attend school without having to be vaccinated. What they do not understand is that with vaccines they help keep school a healthy environment by trying to prevent any diseases such as measles that could contaminate children who are more likely to get sick due to not being immune to …show more content…

We develop immunity by being exposed to diseases and vaccines help us safely develop this immunity by exposing us to dead or weakened amounts of the virus. Although vaccines are not one hundred percent effective they are still partially protective. For that specific reason, if you look into some of the outbreaks in the United States of the measles virus, most of the people who got the virus were those who were not immunized. Although the people that get vaccines are vaccinated it does not mean that the person can not get sick, but typically, if they do develop the illness, it is much less severe than had they not been vaccinated, as their immune response kicks in more

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