Generational Workforce Case Study

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In the next decade, the challenge to every manager will be attracting and retaining skilled workforce especially with the tightening of the labor market. The evolution and advancement in technology has played an important role in the intensity and the management of the workforce. The modern organizations face four key generational workforces that includes traditionalists (born between 1925 and 1946), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), generation X (born between 1965 and 1980), and generation Ys (born after 1980) (Hahn, 2011). The task of the management is to ensure that it incorporates all the aspects and the characteristics of this generational workforce. It is difficult to have a single generational workforce operating in the organization. Every group is distinct in character, values, and attitudes towards work basing on generational experiences. To effectively integrate the diverse generations, companies need to actively demonstrate respect and inclusion for its multi-generational workforce embrace radical changes in recruitment.
Characteristics and Challenges of Generational Workforce
They are most devoted workers. They are excellent team work player and regard highly the development of interpersonal communication skills. They are enthusiastic …show more content…

Leaders should ensure that every employee understands that working together is not negotiable, by creating a respectful, open and inclusive environment where all workers can share irrespective of age, culture backgrounds without the fear of being judged, fixed or changed. In order to achieve the company strategic vision, leaders must remain open to new ideas and provide constant feedback. They must be open to different perspectives based on generational attitudes and shun from projecting their own

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