Gender Equality In Health Care Pros And Cons

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The ERA is an amendment that protects the equality of women, promoting gender equality. Equality is to be fair to all men and women on all accounts and being able to correspond in equal opportunities, abilities, and rights. Even with the protective laws that currently exist, women today still face discrimination in areas such as, failing to provide women equal pay, equal education opportunities, and having a constant gap in the health department.
Although state laws today do provide to some extent protectiveness to women's rights, they still fail to allow women to obtain the same job opportunities as males, leading to a wage gap between genders. Women have faced discrimination in employment as they have been diminished the opportunity to …show more content…

Gender inequality in health care is seen in the cost of insurance as women face higher payments in health care than men. As women pay more for their health care than men, they receive the same amount of health care benefits as males. They also either pay the same amount as males and receive less health care protection. Women are said to be more prone to develop disease and disorders such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders making insurance less accessible because the treatments are more expensive. Due to the disparity in health care prices, women are coming home with less of their normal income affecting their lifestyle.
Denying women the same equal rights as men is morally wrong and something needs to be done. Seeing how women and girls haven't obtained equal rights even after all these years, demonstrates how state and federal laws need a stronger foundation to reassure gender equality. The ERA amendment would give women further protection to their rights giving society a harder time discriminating women in areas such as employment, education, and health

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