Gender Bias for Men in the Field of Nursing

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We all have been victims of gender bias, whether in the academic fields; our roles at home; or even in the clothes we chose to wear. This problem is not something that came up recently, rather it’s an issue that has been ongoing for centuries. As a child, if you are a girl, you wear pink clothes with flowers and play with Barbie dolls. A little boy on the other hand, wears blue and walks around with toy cars and video game controllers. Before we can choose our goals, we are assigned specific gender roles and career paths according to our sex. Nursing is one of those fields oriented mostly towards females, despite all the advancements made in gender equality; a male nurse is still frowned upon. According to the textbook, nursing originates from the Latin word “nutrix”, which means to nourish. Society describes the characteristics of women to be gentle, patient, and nourishing. Even though these adjectives bring justice and confidence towards women in the field of Nursing, there is no doubt men can also hold such similar traits, allowing them to become excellent nurses.

Nursing has been around since the 1800s. The formal education began when Florence Nightingale published books about nursing and healthcare, creating freestanding education. This idea helped open doors for thousands of women, creating a workforce of educated nurses. These admiral women provided for the casualties during Civil War in 1861. Historical figures like Clara Barton and Dorthea Dix served respectively as supervisor and superintendent throughout the Civil War, and are known for their phenomenal works. While the names of such prominent female figures echo throughout the history of nursing, men also play a very significant role in contributing to battlefield n...

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...g for our male individuals who are willing to participate the nursing program. According the census bureau document, efforts are being made to increase the employable workers in this field since there is a predicted shortage of nurses in the next few years. The high wages in specific areas of nursing and expanding the job opportunities is making this career path more appealing. The schools are actively participating in recruiting men into nursing programs as compared to many decades of keeping men out of the programs. Males in the nursing program is not the only stereotyping and generalizing issue that we face today, there are plenty other areas. Hopefully, this problem will completely be eradicated from this world and that will start by changing our own way of thinking and look beyond all of that. As Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.

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