Nursing Metparadigm: The Concepts Of The Concept Of Nursing

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Nursing had not initially been a career option for me, but nursing had made an impact on my life, even at an early age. There was a picture frame that sat on my mother’s dresser with an image of her in her student nurse uniform. It was very formal, and she wore a blue cape with red satin lining. This image gave me my first impression of nursing. Helping my mother with the laundry, bleaching the white uniforms and starching the stiff white cap banded with a thin black velvet ribbon was another activity I associated with nursing. In 1979, my mother was sent to Hershey Medical Center for training to become the first certified Enterostomal Therapist in the state of Virginia. It was at that point that I realized that nursing was a profession, with unique career goals, education and training that was …show more content…

It is made of concepts which define the discipline and is the most abstract viewpoint of a discipline. The accepted concepts that are universal in all nursing theory are human beings or persons, environment, health and nursing, commonly known as the nursing metaparadigm (p. 90). Fawcett (1984), considers nursing philosophy and knowledge development as the basis of the nursing metaparadigm concepts. They are “central concepts of the discipline” (Fawcett, p. 84) that interact and interrelate. The four metaparadigms must be considered in …show more content…

Like holistic health, I identified this as an important concept to nursing practice early in my career. Nursing literature defines an advocate as someone who defends the patient against infringements of his or her rights. The primary obligation of the nurse is to the patient rather than the physician or hospital hierarchies (Mahlin, 2010). A failing on my part early in my nursing career guided the inclusion of this concept into my personal philosophy of

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