Garden Vs Community

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Walking through a rose garden, seeing beauty and life all around. Walk a little deeper and destruction and terror begin to creep out. Like they say beauty always begins with something horrifying. Living in areas with homeless, riots and shootings occurring, only the appearance may be beautiful. Understanding the troubles that lie behind the community, is what creates a leader. As a garden and community, need an individual to care for them to ensure they appear beautiful. In a garden, a gardener is responsible for ensuring the beautifulness. On the other hand, in a community no individual is appointed to create and sculpt a perfect environment. Instead individuals are stepping up to take upon the responsibility of bettering their community. Majority of the individuals stepping up do not attempt to make a change, instead just for the title. In reality, leaders that actually striving to make a difference in a community, have various characteristics in …show more content…

To be a leader one must know how to manage time, communicate, and plan. All these characteristics revolve around one single trait; maturity. Maturity is not how old or how much experience an individual has, instead how ripe an individual, or flower, is. With being in an area that requires much attention for all the actions that are occurring, maturity is a huge aspect for the characteristic of the individual. Without maturity, the garden and community will evolve to pure destruction, since the person taking charge cannot take seriously the actions that are needed. Being mature, is a characteristic that is learned, it is not one that is just given right when the individual is born. In order to possess this quality, the character go past the stage of being childish and follow the road of wanting to succeed. Since people may argue that this aspect cannot be changed, it can, but it is a choice of the individual. If they want to succeed or stay in the

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