Gallup Survey Summary

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Galluping in the wrong direction: A view of job dissatisfaction The workplace is an environment full of different behaviors and personalities that have to work together to complete tasks toward a common goal. It is in the best interest of the company and its’ employees to work together harmoniously. At times, the differences in personalities clash and cause turmoil in the workplace. Constant disruptive behaviors in the workplace can be lead to decrease in employee’s morale and increase job dissatisfaction. There may be nothing more unappealing than the disruptive behavior of a direct manager. Managers are viewed as the leader, or captain, of the team, and are responsible for the work of their subordinates. When productivity …show more content…

There are many indicators for employee morale and productivity, however, recently the biggest evaluation that companies have started to use is the employee engagement survey. One company that has created an employee engagement survey to assess the thoughts of employees is Gallup Inc.
Get Your Horses Ready… Every year, a local companies use Gallup Inc., an employment performance consulting company, to determine the job satisfaction of their employees. Coined the “Gallup Survey” at some companies, this anonymous employee engagement survey consists of 12 questions that employees must rate from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) by pressing corresponding buttons on the telephone keypad. The questions are generic questions, like “do you know what is expected from you at work?”, “do you have a best friend at work?”, and “do …show more content…

When departments receive the highest scores or close the perfect scores, it as seen as a reflection of great management. Great managers are successful people who have favor with God (and the executive leadership of the company). As the book of Psalms states, “who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?... He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully” (Holy Bible, 24:3-4). By employees being happy and satisfied with their jobs, and honestly answering each question with a “5” that would display favor and loyalty to the

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