Free College Tuition Essay

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What I need to do for English project: is to find the solution for free college education and the conclusion for free college education.
Solution to free college tuition
The cost of higher education is one of the major issue that event both political parties seem to agree on, because it increases year after year, but the major dilemma is there a solution to free college education? Cause the current debt of student loan is estimated to be over $1.1 trillion which has many states acting to find a solution to the problem of how can students obtain higher education, build a career and pay back their loans without it becoming a life-sentence? In an interview conference with Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel he stated that they are finding a way for student to obtain free college education only if they put in the work by getting a B+ average in high school. According to HuffPost, Oregon acted in offering free college tuition by signing a bill ordering …show more content…

Also, few other state are getting involved in the free tuition plan like Tennessee Promise plan, which goes into effect next year, will use $34 million from lottery funds to cover tuition for a two-year degree. Currently one-third of residents in Tennessee have a college degree. (Breuder, 2014) Washington also has similar plan with a 25-year period. According fortune article it stated that before a truly successful reform plan can take action they will need to tackle issues, such as child care, commuter subsidies and balancing studies with work, because most college student aren’t the traditional teenager who live on campus dorm but rather adult who need to work support their self in school, family and pays their bills. Those abstract economics don’t work in the real world because college students are reported that balancing school with work and financial

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