Frederick Douglass Life Should Be A Lesson To Future Generations Essay

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Frederick Douglass' life should be a lesson to future generations. Frederick was not an ordinary slave, but he was an incredibly bold man. He was not happy with the unruly beatings that he got from all of his masters. Frederick fought against the injustice that faced him and wanted to be something more than just a slave. Throughout his life he came across many different problems, but with his courage he overcame them. People should all look up to him because Frederick was determined, he was a leader, and he was an intelligent man. Frederick Douglass was determined to be a free man. This was shown when he defended himself against his slaveholder Covey so that he would not whip him like he has been doing repeatedly for no reason and due to the courage he showed he was not whipped for the remaining of his four slave years. This is a lesson to future generations because it shows that if someone wants respect, they have to earn it. Frederick earned his respect or fear from Covey by standing up to him and this made him intimidated, so …show more content…

He was taught to read and write by Sophia Auld and learned the new knowledge quickly. This can teach future generations the lesson of becoming intellectual by being willing to learn. If a man who knew nothing about reading and writing can both learn and teach others too; anyone can learn if they try. Another reason Frederick was an intelligent slave is that he knew what he would do if he got caught after escaping. He would sign papers as if their masters signed them to cover up the fact that they were escaping. This can teach others to always have a backup plan even if they are confident of the outcome. No matter how well planed out Fredericks escape was he knew he had to be ready in case anything happened. This can also teach others to always be prepared for the future. Frederick Douglass can motivate future generations to become as smart as they can

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