Frankenstein Movie And Book Comparison Essay

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Hollywood is a staple in American culture. After all, The glitz and Glamour of the movie industry are almost majestic in a way, and therefore it is inevitable that a country would become engulfed in the charms of modern cinema. While there are many original ideas in the movie business some producers, with a combination of books and their own creative liberties, have created some of the biggest blockbusters ever seen on the silver screen. However, The contrast between books and movies are to say the least, less than vague. A great example of this book to screen disparity is Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. To truly understand how dissimilar the book and the movie adaptations are the best place to start is the source material. Frankenstein is a novel written by Author Mary Shelley that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist, who creates a revolting but sentient creature in an unconventional scientific experiment. “The monster, on discovering that his own creator is horrified by his existence, increasingly despairs about his position in the world. He faces the tragedy of his existence – that he was made human on the inside, but without the capacity for fellowship with others” (Shelley). In Shelley's original novel …show more content…

The creature that Whales created is by far the most iconic, and the image that comes the the majority of people's minds today when thinking of Frankenstein. “You have created a monster, and it will destroy you!” (Whale). The differences in this version are subtle but noticeable, for example there are multiple people in the room when the monster is given life, and the monster is dull and unaware. So although the movie may have overshadowed the book as far as physical characteristization, Shelley neutralizes that with her emotional portrayal that has not yet been

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