Formal Concept Analysis: Formal Concept Analysis In Software Development Methodologies

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Recently, the agile methods become the most widely used software development methodologies. Most agile methods try to minimize risk by developing software in short time boxes, called iterations. While agile methods are in a wide spread use but there are few research trying to mine or visualize the degree of agility between the agile methods. In this paper, formal concept analysis (FCA) is used as data mining tool to visualize the degree of agility in six agile methods, by building formal concepts which representing each agile methods as a set of agility features, then the formal context is built which leading to construct a concept lattice. The concept lattice is the hierarchical order of the set of all concepts. This lattice visualizes the …show more content…

Rather than the long drawn out release cycles in the previously popular waterfall methodology, the agile methodology suggests regular short sprint release cycles called iteration. This allows the customers and stakeholders to have more involvement within the software development process. The iterative approach has become vastly effective in helping software developers improve their skills in estimating schedule for remaining tasks. Schedule estimation is one of the most difficult responsibilities for developers because software issues are common and are unpredictable by nature. By breaking the large requirements down into more manageable sub requirements, the agile process naturally promotes better estimation [1]. Agile methods are people-oriented rather than process-oriented, Qumer and Hender-son-Sellers [2] offer the following definition for the agility method: ‘‘A software development method is said to be an agile software development method when a method is people focused, communications-oriented, flexible (ready to adapt to expected or unexpected change at any time), speedy (encourages rapid and iterative development of the product in small releases), lean (focuses on shortening time frame and cost and on improved quality), responsive (reacts appropriately to expected and unexpected changes), and learning (focuses on improvement during and after product

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