Forensic DNA: Forensic DNA Is A Multi-Step Process

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Forensic DNA Analysis is a multi-step process which starts with the collection of the DNA fragments, isolated from the crime scene, victims, suspects and other evidence. These DNA fragments can be biological materials like, blood, semen or saliva. The cell is then extracted from the nucleus by using a combination of chemicals and heat to release the contents of the nucleus which is where the DNA is stored. The selected contents from each DNA is then amplified, which means that specific regions in the DNA is copied multiple times. These fragments are then compared to other samples. Forensic DNA plays an integral part in solving crimes, determining paternity and identification.
In 1974 James Bian was convicted of the rape and murder of a 9 year old boy. James who was only 19 at the time was also convicted of burglary and kidnapping and was sentenced to life in prison. After spending 35 years incarcerated and after his fifth request to use DNA evidence to clear his name, in 2001 a statute was passed allowing cases to be reopened for DNA testing. The DNA evidence proved that James Bain did not kidnap and rape the 9 year old boy in 1974.
In 1999 a young lady by the name of Marianne Vaatsra was found murdered. Police conducted an extensive DNA search but was not successful in finding the killer. 13 …show more content…

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