Forensic Art Personal Statement

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I have known art, since my fine motor skills developed. I do not claim to be an Artist—that is for the audience to determine. I prefer to paint, sculpt, and print when expressing myself, after all, those are the forms I am closest to mastering. My art practices begun when my drawing abilities surpassed my speech delivery, as a result of moving into a foreign environment. My dose of art practice is not limited to what is recommended to others. I am confident that completing the M.F.A program will set me closer to adding my artistic thread to the fabric of art history. My interest in art peeked when my dad brought home a folder of composite sketches. What interested me was how one human being was able to portray another accurately enough to be identified. My passion for Forensic Art did not stop there, it expanded until I became interested even in the subtlest creases a posture can form, …show more content…

My undergraduate academic, research and work experience solidified my desire to pursue graduate school. One of my most influential career experience was achieved by my art piece entitled, "Dual," which won the 2017 President's Choice Award at SDSU. Under the guidance of, Professor Eva Struble, this figurative painting was a take on Fransisco Goya's style and reference to his later mental state combined with a contemporary gang saying, "laugh now, cry later," influence. The premise of the painting was on how mental stability is taken for granted. Through other work summations, I was able to display in over six galleries, and received the Suzy Spafford Scholarship. During my undergraduate years I also had the opportunity to make a collaborative book with Michele Burgess, improve figure portrayal under that guidance Richard Serros and MaryAnn Luera, sculpt alongside Richard Keely, and was nurtured by Eva Struble and David

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