Food Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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English Persuasive Essay
Schools should do more to teach students about food?
Jahin Jamil

Obesity and heart disease are our biggest killers in our country today. (Jamie Oliver Quotes.n.d.) We are the next generation of humans that will lead after our parents. If no knowledge is acquired, how could we assure that we wouldn’t live 10 years younger than our parents? Schools need to do more to teach students about food as they assist us in developing beneficial life skills, teaches us to waste less food as well as shows us, how our learning can impact others.

Do you know that by ‘practic[ing] healthy habits, you can boost your chances of a longer life?’(Rose, 2016) Habits that are made from childhood affect the person as an individual as these …show more content…

“Around 70% of obese adults are subsequently afflicted with one health condition such as heart disease, stroke, musculoskeletal diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes or impaired social functioning that increases their health care cost by at least 30%. (EDOCONF, 2017) According to the statistics in 2017, diet related diseases in Australia are severely increasing and the most prominent among them is obesity. If schools don’t act upon these statistics, how else will we support the lives of our next generation? How could could any of us assure that our kids will be able to lead in the future if they continually develop several health conditions that brings them down at a young age? Now it has come to point, where our family comes into this scenario. You might be the one who is severely affected by obesity, but it is your family who will be paying the health care costs for you. In America obesity costs Americans ‘10 percent of their health-care bills, 150 billion dollars a year’. Furthermore, in about ‘10 years it’s set to double’ (Jamie Oliver, 2010) So when considering these facts, if Australia’s obesity rates continually increase, the health care costs will also severely go up and will result in more Australians lives in danger, …show more content…

“Almost half of all fruits and vegetables produced worldwide are lost or wasted – equivalent to 3.7 trillion apples. Fresh produce has among the highest wastage rates of any food products.” (Croplife International, 2016) According to the statistics, Australians by far have high rates of wastage and as stated, this most commonly comes from our fresh produce. Everyday, farmers spend their time growing and watering these plants so Australia can enjoy and stay healthy by eating freshly grown produce. But if this, opportunity is abused, how could we assure that our country will live healthy? Schools need to take initiative in teaching our students about the value of food and how our wasted food can feed millions of people who are suffering from hunger everyday of their lives. Schools need to teach us that fruits and vegetables are the sources that will assure our body develops through to adolescence and for the rest of our lives. “In Australia 8.2 million tonnes of food waste is generated each year, most of which ends up in landfill. Once in landfill, food waste breaks down and emits greenhouse gases,

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