Portion Distortion Persuasive Speech

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That Serving Sizes Must Be Lowered “63% of Australian adults were overweight or obese in 2011–12, 70% of men and 56% of women. This has increased from 57% in 1995. Being overweight or obese are risk factors for many chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and … cancers.” This dramatic quote from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare states the appalling: we are getting fatter and fatter every day. One of the main reasons for this is the giant increase in portion sizes, or “portion distortion”. Firstly, I will explain that portion distortion exists and why it’s a problem. Secondly, I will describe the many benefits of stopping it, and then finally I will convince you that we can stop it. The problems of portion distortion …show more content…

Today this value has inflated to a massive 4 288 kilojoules – more than double. You would have to houseclean for 2 hours and 35 minutes to burn off the extra 2 228 kilojoules. Similarly, back then, a bag of hot chips was 830 kilojoules. However, today it is 2 552 kilojoules. You’d need to go out on a 1 hour and 10 minute walk just to burn off the extra 1 673 kilojoules. The list goes on and on. Also, a Large Big Mac Meal has a massive 6025 kilojoules in it. This is more than the recommended dinner for anyone. It is even larger than the DAILY kilojoule intake for most sedentary people (who are the people who eat big macs the most). Leading on from that, according to a 2001 Cornell University study, “Moviegoers who had rated the popcorn as tasting relatively unfavourable ate 61% more popcorn if randomly given a large container than a smaller one. Moviegoers who had rated the popcorn as relatively favourable ate 49% more when the container size was increased.” Now, to the health risks. Weight gain is obviously the most common risk associated with over-eating, however weight gain can lead to obesity which can lead on to a whole host of problems, including (according to …show more content…

We can stop this by making ads for overeating, and portion distortion. Most overweight Australians know that they’re overweight, and they do want to get healthier, they just could not be bothered exercising. That’s why all those weight loss milkshake ads work – they appeal to their desire to be healthier. If the government created ads like that, along with smoking ad-style ads and better education websites, it would work. Some may say that it’s the people’s choice how much food they want to eat, and I totally agree with them. That’s why I proposed ads and other forms of education over government legislation. If everyone was educated well about portion sizes, it’s more likely that they will make better choices that will affect all of us. In conclusion, portion distortion is one of the most major reasons for the massive amount of overweight Australians and it must be stopped. Firstly, there are many reasons why it’s bad, secondly, it affects all of us, and finally, portion distortion can be stopped. Here is a quote from Hippocrates: “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” This is our opportunity to make many healthy. Thank

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