Food Intake For 3 Days Essay

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My final assignment this week is about food intake for 3 days. I have done different research, read my book, made a journal to help me understand how to writes my assignment, how to calculate what I eat and what food has more or less of the calories. The 3 days intake helps me to track of the amount of food I should be eating or how much of carbohydrates I need in my body in order to stay healthy. The Calculated amount of food you eat, it’s very important. Since last two weeks I gin two lb not knowing it was the amount different things I was eating that got me to gin weigh. I’m going to work on it in other to lose them because I want be healthy and stay healthier.

For the 3 days intake I’ve tried to change my eating habit, even though I’m not a fast food eater. I use to eat in the afternoon after work, because I’m not a morning eater. When I do eat breakfast I would just drink a cup of orange juice which is full of vitamin c, low in saturated fat, Trans fat, it can help reduce heart disease. Since I started I eat more whole grain oat cereal. I made spaghetti enough to keep extra in my fridge for three days, and spaghetti has …show more content…

Most of them full with fats, calorie but we need them to grow our muscle, to provide more energy in our body.(McKinley Health center, 2008) our body needs macronutrients to function, it could be more or less, but it best to make sure we stay in the minimum range. Try to control what we eat, our food consist of fat, protein, carbohydrates, people gain weigh by adding to much of macronutrient to their meal. There a way to measure them, since we need just exact amount in other to get the vitamin, fat, protein that our body needs, I’ve seen how people who don’t get enough of macronutrients look devastating. All you see is them loosing weigh in a way that you’ll even see their bones showing that’s what we call

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