Fine Tuning Argument Analysis

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The complexity of the universe and life can be explained if we believe that God exists.
The world is not created in random. Every life, everything on Earth is created with a purpose and specification. With this much intricate and incredible details, it is difficult to believe that the world and our universe are simply created by accidents. Thus, there must be a designer behind all these sophistications as they are too complex to be created by chance. This designer is not just a mere designer but an intelligent one for the things He made are not only meant to carry out specifications but if one or more parts of the mechanisms are removed or changed, they will lose their functional values.
Looking into the Fine Tuning Argument, the probability of …show more content…

1Suppose we flip a fair coin 1000 times and record the results in succession, the probability of getting the particular outcome is vanishingly small: 1 in 21000 to be precise. It is clear that such a sequence is so improbable but it does not give us any reason to think that it was the result of intelligent design.
On the contrary, George N. Schlesinger formulate an objection to the argument above by comparing the rational probability of a person winning the lottery.
2If John wins a 1-in-1,000,000,000 lottery game, you would not immediately be tempted to think that John cheated. If, however, John won three consecutive 1-in-1,000 lotteries, you would immediately be tempted to think that John cheated instead.
In the latter situation, it is quite queer to see a person getting lucky and win all three consecutive games which brings a justified belief that John's winnings are intended acts of a particular's intelligent agency be it by John himself or with the assistance of others. Meanwhile, the former happens as an unexpected event which vindicates a conjecture of an intelligent

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