Fine Arts Should Be Abolished Essay

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Have you ever felt something can be a mess, that mess and budget cut could be the fine arts program. The fine arts program can sometimes be hard to keep up with. You constantly have to clean up a mess that you didn’t do and sometimes some kids might blame you for doing something that you didn’t do just out of spite. Some kids might not enjoy art or music and they probably won’t do the work they are given. For example one day we were working with paint and a lot of kids were being loud and messing around. When I went to go get a paper towel someone ran into me and spilled paint all over my clothes. First off the art program takes up to much of the budget some schools that lose a lot of money could be because of the fine arts program. Most schools are trying not to spend all their money, they are also trying to find ways to save their money. Most superintendents recommend on cutting the art program from schools. By cutting the fine arts program they save money in the salaries of employees. In the elementary levels art is usually the first thing to get cut, but on the other hand it is harder to cut when you get into high schools it is harder to cut because some schools need you to take so you can graduate. Fewer elementary schools are offering visual arts, dance, and drama classes. More than 1.3 million …show more content…

Some adults think the art is pointless to have because of having to do testing. They also think it might get in the way of other classes. The art program also has trouble meeting their demands and keeping up with the work they have to do. These cuts have been happening to a lot of schools the last couple of decades. If art got cut from schools they might end up getting replaced by language classes. The language classes are for kids that move from a different country, so they can learn the English language. For the kids that already know English can take a class and learn different

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