Final Reflection

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“Literacy Matters” (Vacco, Vacco, & Mraz, 2014) is the concept that I will take away from this course. Integrating the concepts of literacy into my science classes by allowing the students to have a choice in their reading material will become a mainstay in my teaching program. Allowing trade books and other material to be used as sources of content material will help the students gain a more in depth knowledge of the course. This approach should provide deeper thinking in the students which will allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the topics (Vacco, Vacco, & Mraz, 2014). Science is constantly changing, and without the extra literature available the students may be learning the wrong or outdated information. Differentiated instruction is another method I will take into the classroom. Combining multiple areas of education in the science classroom can only benefit the students by allowing repletion of core concepts across the curriculum (Vacco, Vacco, & Mraz, 2014). One of the techniques that were already in use in my science room was and is digital reading. All of my stud...

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