Feinberg Holy Spirit

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Theology is defined as the “study of God.” It is central to the education ministry found in the Christian church. It defines and explains aspects of God, the church, sin, salvation, and other characteristics that are part of the Christian life. J. S. Feinberg states that Theology is an attempt to “justify the ways of God to man.” Theology and Christian education are inseparable. From the beginning of the church, teaching the Good News was foundational. God has proclaimed that the believer should come to know Him and to have an active relationship with Him. It is impossible to come to know God and not serve Him. This knowledge comes through His own disclosure and the Bible contains that information. Thus, through God’s teaching and His revelation, …show more content…

Understanding and relating to the Holy Spirit can help join with Him in teaching others. These relational ties are revealed in the names the Bible attributes to Him. These names include “the Spirit of truth,” the Revealer of God,” and “Counselor-Helper.” First, the Sprit is called Truth just as the Father and the Son are also called Truth. Therefore, all truth is God’s truth and anywhere truth is found, then God is present. The teacher needs not fear or separate secular knowledge because truth always comes from God. Second, the Holy Spirit is God, He can show the believer the things of God. Through a believer’s continuous exposure with the Spirit, He can illuminate and teach the ways of God. Third, the Spirit is a helper that can counsel and assist with our understanding of the Scripture and teach us of the Father. Consequently, the Spirit becomes the influencer in Christian …show more content…

They both expressed the truthfulness of the information in the Old Testament. They believed that the Old Testament document was inspired by and the highest authority of truth. While they would preach their message to audiences of different cultures, Jesus primarily to the Jews and Paul primarily to the Gentiles, they would remain true to the information and details of Scripture. Paul said that he had fought a good fight and finished the race God had put before him, but most of all he had kept the faith. Jesus delivered the truth through His entire ministry. Jesus reminded the Jews that Isaiah 54:13 states that God will instruct all the people. Jesus taught all audiences but always remained faithful to the message even when He met with little children. The truth remained constant,, but the audience changed. The Scripture did not deviate but the locations were different. The truth persisted and their teachings of the truth continued to be the same and agreement with the Old

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