Feeding Cats

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Feeding the cats at my house is a long and strenuous process. While not a chore, I help out and feed them when I come home from school. I've been feeding these cats for many years and I've developed a process over time. This process will require a skill in herding cats, patience, and taking charge. The first thing to do is to locate the cats. While some can be found in their normal spots, like Kiki sitting on the air conditioner, others can be more difficult in finding. Calling their names (Butter, Squeaky, Penny, Kiki, and Mr. Nom) will usually result in them running to the porch. If after a few minutes some cats don't come, move on to the next step. Now after locating and letting the cats inside (except for Squeaky, unless Mr.Nom was not found, then let her in), be prepared, for here comes the real challenge; feeding. …show more content…

By now, it is most likely a melody of screaming meows and being head butted by the cats. Take all of the cats bowls and place them on the counter. Open a can of wet food and get a scoop of the dry food. Place a spoonful of wet food into two bowls and pour some dry food over it. With the other two bowls, these are Butter and Penny's, place two spoonfuls of wet food. Give Mr.Nom his food first as he will steal every one you place before his. Give the other three there food bowls and get a good sized scoop of dry food to give to Squeaky outside. After coming inside from feeding Squeaky you'll most likely see Mr.Nom shoving Penny and trying to steal her food. This is when you'll have to take

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