Feed: The Future Of Technology & Man

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The Future of Technology & Man
“Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people…..It's not the tools that you have faith in — tools are just tools. They work, or they don't work. It's people you have faith in or not.”. This was how in 1994, Apple co-founder and American innovator, Steve Jobs described the empowerment of technology in people’s lives. It is one complexed apparatus that has stretched out man’s imagination and creativity ever since its discovery of fire, touching all aspects of society and history. Although these are encouraging attributes, there is also a view of technology that makes the future, one that is cynical and bleak. One that warns the fate of institutions and the world. Often they are described …show more content…

In comparison to the previous 25-30 years prior to it, where it can be seen in workplaces or schools, not a whole lot of people had sophisticated devices like cellphones, computers, tablets, etc. Usually, information was read out of books and news were taken from newspapers. In Feed, it is a far cry from this reality of what happened not that long ago. Titus represents this future of people. Describing that AI implanted inside their brains is something to be helpful of. He characterizes it as being “supersmart without ever working” (Anderson 47). By looking at today’s world, humans have implanted AI, not necessarily inside its physical brains, but in the things that it uses. Great examples of these implantations are the GPS, Siri, Google, Yahoo, etc. From websites to real devices, communication and relaying of information have vastly changed. Its effects have provided both positive impacts and negative outcomes.
Consequently, emergency alerts from local or state governments can be received through phones. It is a great way of telling citizens of whatever kind of urgent situation there is. Especially when it is during a tough weather season, people in their homes can get an early warning of either tornado, hurricane, or flood. Although for many the AMBER alert message is sometimes annoying, it's a good necessity to provide information for missing children. Also, news applications on phones or tablets can be downloaded to receive the latest news around …show more content…

Although social media has made it great for people to connect with others around the world, the basic skill of communication and talking to one another has been lost. Every day, it is seen with Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and even the messaging that is built in Apple devices, are new features to make it more “fun”. It is in this direction that many user-friendly contents are created. It is done because people do indeed like it but also satisfies investors, which generates revenue and profit. As the academic journal by the ICMA committee of public engagement on the Code of Ethics pointed out in their study of social media, social media is an interesting dilemma….. it is fast becoming the preferred communications tool for constituents. Additionally, technology has already affected the way children are growing. As published in a recent national survey, 85% of parents have said they allow their children from age 6 to below, to play up to two hours with tablets, phone, and any computers. This is one of biggest problems that is now increasing in many families across the country and the world. Early childhood exposure to technology can have great influence in developing habits, but as many doctors like to recommend, also encourage children in interaction and discover new learning opportunities. In this way, social media isn’t the only it is good at, but social skills as

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