Fear Of Success Essay

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Almost everyone want to be successful in his or her career in life, the word ‘almost’ was used because there are some people who do not have desire to succeed in anything. So with this scenario, if people really desire success and have everything that comes along with it such as freedom of time, house and car of their choice, financial freedom exotic vacations and so on. Why do they have the fear of success?
For each individual, there is a specific reason or reasons, everyone cannot be categorized together and ascertain why they fear success. Although there are various articles that discuss why most people fear success but one thing that is common to all is “Fear of Change.” Regardless of the reason why people fear success, an important factor …show more content…

Self-Image: This is one of the major setbacks for the fear of success with people because they would not see themselves as being successful. Such individuals would not feel they are worthy of any success they come across. Also people do not want to leave the comfort zone which they built around themselves. There is need for you to change before any success will come your way, you must also change how you think, feel and see things. http://herypoter.blogspot.com.au/
After having a good understanding of the major factors that cause fear of success, there is need to discuss how to overcome them in order to become successful and also achieve greater goal in life. The following points are essential to overcome fear of success:
1. Positivity
It is crucial to have a positive thought about everything you are doing and also to expect positive outcome. Such mentality will help us to do away with fear of negative outcomes. If we have positive thought in everything we do, we would be able to attain a greater height and also overcome fear of success.
2. Discover Yourself
Fear is associated with worrying, and in this scenario, we would be worrying about unnecessary things. You’ll feel out of control but once you discover your goal and purpose, you’ll be able to understand the necessary things. Work towards the bigger goal of achieving success by overcoming the fear or other challenges that is hindering

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