Faubourg Treme Documentary Analysis

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Journal #2 The short documentary “Faubourg Treme- The Untold Story of Black New Orleans” talks about the history of New Orleans. Mainly discusses the issues of economic inequality, political and social unrest in the neighborhood of Treme, and racial inequalities. Most importantly the documentary addresses how America has progressed from segregation, America still faces the struggles that the natives of Treme have faced. Treme was one of the area’s that had been severely damaged and affected by Hurricane Katrina when the levees had broken. Many people in that area are unable to return to their home and still fight for their civil rights. Treme is the oldest black neighborhood, the film is a combination of street performances, pre-Katrina …show more content…

Flaherty entwines a narrative of hope and resistance throughout the book for the community, revealing the long history of struggle that African Americans have faced. He talks are illustrated how story circles, poetry, performances, and music acted as a collective form of resistance in New Orleans. In chapter 5, “Dollar Day in New Orleans: Money and Relief” talks about how the West and East coast foundations and NGOs (Non-governmental organization) when they were given large sums of money for rebuilding the area ignored input from the community and from leaders who understood what the money would be good to use towards effectively and efficiently. Becoming frustrated by the lack of proper actions that needed to be taken to help this community scholars had formed and drafted a letter to the national foundations and nonprofits. The letter stated, “the support that was needed had not arrived, or has been seriously limited or has been based on conditions that has become a burden for us” (274). What this quote means is that all these people in need are still suffering from the lack of attention they remain in crisis, underfunded, understaffed, and desperate for

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