Fatimah Case Summary

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As a result, after the professional had applied this strategy with the moral dilemma that he faced with the client Fatima, he came out with the decision he thought was appropriate. The decision was to inform the relevant authorities of the individuals’ protection to find appropriate treatment for her. In addition, since the practitioner did not want his client took a negative attitude from him, he would keep the statement against Fatima is anonymous. So, he could work with her on the main problems that she came to find solutions for them. Relevant Facts Biological Evaluation Fatimah has a slender body. Although she has three children, her body is weak and her face is pale. In addition, she has suffered of trichorrhexis and sometimes she complains of hair loss. Moreover, she says that her heart rate is fairly quick and she suffered of muscle pain, extreme fatigue in general. She thought that because of the daily household works, …show more content…

Felicilda-Reynaldo (2016) defined the thyroid as the butterfly shaped gland which located in the lower front of the neck to control the body’s metabolism. In addition, it helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working normally (American Thyroid Association (ATA), 2014). This endocrine gland produces two main thyroid hormones in a balanced way so that the normal work in protecting the body from harmful substances such as bacteria or any other materials. Thus, when this gland produces one of these hormones more than the natural rate, which is 80% and thyroxine T4 and 20% triiodothyronine T3, then the body becomes what is called hyperthyroidism (De Leo & Braverman, 2016). Moreover, nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, anxiety, racing heart, difficulty sleeping, thinning skin, weight loss, or muscle weakness are some of the hyperthyroidism symptoms that experienced by a patient from active thyroid gland (ATA,

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