Fashion And Fashion Essay

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The youth generation has always been impressionable. When young, we compare ourselves to others, seeking to be accepted rather than outcasted. The media gives us an image to look at and we assume this is how we should look like, act like, or dress like. In Elementary school, students are getting to an age where we care about how we look, and possibly want to impress someone else. Cliques and gangs start to form and outline a specific genre that we ‘should’ be. The media plays with the phases we go through as kids and teenagers (and beyond) and uses them to their advantage to play up their products to sell.

Advertising, specifically for fashion and cosmetics, has a powerful effect on how we see ourselves and how we think we should look. Many people, starting at a young age, rely heavily on magazines and Television for information on beauty and fashion. When a kid opens a magazine they are bombarded with advertisements focusing their clothing and fashion items at every turn of a page. This drills into the brain subconsciously and the next shopping trip they take they will look for those fashion items. At this point in their lives they are susceptive to everything –friends judging them, peers making fun of them, or just trying to get themselves into this ideal mold society deems proper. …show more content…

Being so influential and something we see every day on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, big names have taken it upon themselves to get to their audiences through social media means. Many big names do not use this influential power for good, they use it only to promote their products and sell more. These days kids have cell phones at such an early age that have the capabilities to receive this information that the ideas of what they should buy is embedded into them right from the

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