Famous Oracles Essay

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To start off with, an Oracle is a Temple or a shrine where a priest or priestess would sit and are said to have contact with the Gods of Greece. They would sit in Oracles as people came to ask for answers to questions and advice. To explain the meaning of the priest or priestesses' words, there would be someone else beside them. When people came, they would have to pay an entry fee, sacrifice a goat and look for omens in its entrails. An omen is basically good or evil. For example, I can sense a good omen coming from that girl over there. And entrails are like the insides of something. One of the most famous Oracles was in Delphi. The priestess Pythia would sit at the Temple Apollo in Delphi as thousands of people came to see and ask her questions. It was said that she would sit on a …show more content…

The worship of the God Apollo established in the 11th to 9th centuries. In the next five centuries, the sanctuary slowly grew in importance and size. During the 8th circa B.C Delphi became internationally known for the Priestess Pythia’s oracle powers. There was other ways to get answers to questions from the Greek Gods. People would write their questions on lead tablets, and they would receive their answers in the wind of a Sacred oak tree. And of course there are many more Oracles all around Greece. Oracles were there simply for people in need for guidance and help. When people didn’t know what to do with their lives, they would go see oracles and ask for help. In fact, most important decisions were not confirmed or made official before someone asked an oracle what the future would bring for them. For me, I find Oracles in Ancient Greece an interesting topic to talk about. And I am intrigued by the Ancient Greek culture and religion. And I realized that the citizens of Ancient Greece, did rely on the oracles a

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