Family Therapy Chapter Summary

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Week-3 Chapter 7, this chapter of the book is design to teach the reader about the experimental concepts in family therapy. These techniques were design to strength the families in their emotional stage. However, this concept stop being used and now part of the techniques is resurfacing when working with couples (Nichols, 2017). Chapter-8, talks about psychodynamics and how it relates to psychoanalytic theory when working with family, these concepts are known to provide the families with the best theories techniques on family growth and trouble formation. Concurring with the psychoanalytic theory tells us that behavioral symptoms are the mechanism to cope with unconscious issues. On this chapter Nichols (2017) defined “projective identification as the process whereby a subject perceives an object as if …show more content…

Chapter 9, this chapter tells the reader about cognitive behavioral in family therapy where thoughts, feelings, and actions are picture as utilizing their mutual influences with each other (Nichols, 2017). During family therapy session with therapist that use CBT teach parent to use positive reinforcement versus trying to control their children. The theory of CBT can offer extensive techniques to work with family members and can be mixed with others theories as the counselors can adjust their treatment according to the family’s needs (Nichols 2017). Pathfinder Hugging This chapter of the book explain healthy parenting methods to strength the child self-esteem and independence. The methods used in the chapter are divided by stage of the human life span, which made it interested to read and easy to captivated the reader. I have to admitted that as

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