Family Structure Essay

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Family structure and parenting styles, both matter to kid’s success. Family structure can make all the differences in the world to a child’s life and the way they grow up. As the book, ‘Our Kids: The American Dream In Crisis’, has proven to be true and have shown examples of the way kids grow up, whether they are in a single parent home, two parent home, multi-generational home, or multi-partner fertility home. Parenting styles, as well as family structure, can also make huge differences to a child 's success, such as the parents being protective, caring, if the parent is involved with their child 's schoolwork or extracurricular activities, not involved with their child and whether their parent’s disciplines their children. Some people would think that family structure and parenting styles do …show more content…

Types of negative family structures consist of, children who grow up in a single parent home, multi-partner fertility homes, parents who aren 't involved with the children 's schoolwork or extracurricular activities, and parents who choose discipline over a more nurturing method. For the family structure in a single parent household, the parent is always working to make end meets and have no social or educational time for their kids. Then the kids start to take on a more parental role in their family just they can help their younger sibling with their homework, leaving one child to fall behind in school. Kids who grow up in a multi-partner fertility home often see the downsides to everything. These kids do not get to see both of their parents at the dinner table together, they do not get the attention they need as kids so they act out, they do not have parents who have the time to help with schoolwork or come to one of their games because they had another child with another person and all their attention is taken

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