Family Resilience Case Study

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Risk factors in family resilience
The concepts of threats to the durability studies have many similarities both in individual and family level (Evans, Li, & Whipple, 2013). This is because children and families often face common challenges such as poverty or challenges are interrelated. For example in the case of domestic violence between two people, often co-exist and a violent situation and to other members, that can lead to child abuse (Tolan, Gorman-Smith, & Henry, 2006). Also, serious threats to family efficiency raising risks to the resilience of children and due to internal (eg, maternal depression, domestic violence) and external causes (eg a natural disaster, financial weakness) (Masten & Monn, 2015).
As mentioned above for children, …show more content…

Specifically, parenting, the parenting practices play an important role in facing families experiencing adversity (Torres Fernandez, Schwartz, Chun,
& Dickson, 2013).
In the view of Masten et al (2011) that the resistance involves skill, process and result, Gavidia-Payne, Denny, Davis, Francis, & Jackson (2015) define parental resilience "as the ability of parents to provide adequate and quality upbringing for their children despite the adverse personal, family and social conditions (p. 3). To qualify as a parent as resistant should use the experiences that has lived as resources, such as skills and knowledge to address various problems in parenting. (Referred to Gavidia-Payne et al, (2015).
Parental bond
According to Klaus and Kennell (1976), the attachment is not a bond, and the term "bond" refers to the relationship (bond) of the parent with the child obtained through physical contact, at a critical time in his life infant. This concept has nothing to do with the attachment, but many professionals and not confuse these two concepts and alternately use each other. But the difference between these two concepts in accordance with the above researchers, is that the link has not been established that can predict the emotional and social outcome of the child, as opposed to the adhesion (as referred to Benoit, …show more content…

This is perceived by the reports of Aber, Belsky, Slade, & Crnic (1999) emphasizing that the mother's ability to successfully undertake its role, affects the quality of attachment. Its role therefore characterized in sensitivity and rapid response to the child's needs, components that create a quality bond and result in secure attachment (Van Egeren, Barratt & Roach, 2001).

attachment theory
The attachment theory describes the development of consistent standards in childhood that influence the individual throughout his lifetime. Many important researchers developed individually different points of this theory. It will become one of key concepts and researchers who founded and developed further this theory.

The attachment theory

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