Family Interview Essay

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For the next portion of the interview I asked questions about her family history and experience’s. My mother grew up with her father and mother, she was an only child. She did not have much interaction with her grandparents, but she saw her aunts and uncles on a regular basis. The first question I asked her was how would you describe your parent’s personalities? She said kind, nice, loving, funny, and easygoing. I then asked her if she had any pets growing up. She had a Shetland sheepdog named Cindy. When they moved to California they had to leave Cindy behind with other family. Her parents also got a Pekinese dog named KimChu when she was in her high school years. I also asked about what family dinners were like in her house: who cooked, what …show more content…

I first asked her what elementary school she went to. She actually went to three separate primary schools because of her family moving around when she was younger. She went to Venango County elementary school, Stoneburo elementary school, and Ladera elementary. She says she remembers good memories about school, but she was very homesick in elementary school and wanted to be home with her mom. Her best subject was reading and English. Her worst subject was math, she said just like me. I asked her how she liked high school. She said she enjoyed high school a lot. She attended Thousand Oaks High school for all four years of high school. She said the worst part of high school was having to do swimming in P.E. class and having to change in the tiny swimsuits they had. She says the memory she has most of high school is her lunch period. My mom brought a tuna salad sandwich every day and bought a bag of Fritos, an apple, and a carton of milk every day of her senior year. I then asked her about her college experiences. She attended her junior college for the two first years of college with her best friend Mary Jo. She then moved from California to Alabama to come to the University of Alabama. She said the reason why she moved all the way to Alabama was because she was following a boy to school, she did not recommend doing this. Her major in college was education. She finished college until her senior year, she did not have enough money to keep attending and to graduate. She says that this is one of her biggest regrets, not finishing her education. She says she feels it is too late for her to come back and get her degree and this is why she is so strict with me when it comes to my education. I really enjoyed doing this portion of the interview with her because it gave me some insight into why she behaves the way she does when it comes to my

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