Faith According to the Apostle James

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This article “Faith according To the Apostle James” was quite interesting because of the arguments that were displayed in explaining the context of faith by James. The author John MacArthur is intensely elaborating the good of intentions of how important it was to James to share his concern with the believers of Christ to have strong faith in the gospel of Christ. It almost seem there was an argument with the author himself and others who he measured his work which were Apostle James and his colleagues. However, you also understand the importance of having faith because of the belief for Christians to have faith so they can be doers of the Word. If one has ever read the Book of James your initial thought most likely is about leadership role of ministers and mature saints. In this article it is the opposite. It expounds on the power of faith and faith in action. Showing faith is the key ingredient to believe and live according to the Word of God. There were key points immediately made by the author to help any reader see a different light on the Book of James.
The first key the autho...

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