Factors Leading To Injustice In The Amirault Case

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There were many factors in the Amirault family case that led to injustice and made this case unfair. Main factors that impacted this case were profiling, false confessions and the violation of rights. Also, Justice Fried saw many corruptions in the legal process in this case. Justice Fried pointed out there were hysteria, suggestibility, and violation of constitutional rights in the Amirault case. One thing about this case that was very surprising, the fact children were basically brainwashed. They were programmed to believe they were molested under the care of Fells Acres Daycare. In addition to being brainwashed not into believe they were molested by Gerald Amirault, they were able to give chilling details of the events that they believe took place. For example there was one confession made by one female child, I like to call the magic wand confession. This little girl was able to give very clear and explicate details about her false experience. She claimed that a magic wand toy was placed in inappropriate areas on her body, including the vaginal and anal areas by Cheryl and Violet Amirault. Furthermore, these acts was supposedly captured on camera by Cheryl Amiraults, that was not found in the investigation. In addition to the lack of photos as evidence, there were no physical marks, …show more content…

It so amusing that a supposedly certified Dr. Jean Emans testified “that an object could touch the hymen on the way to trying to find the anus.” In contrast to that statement, it was reported that the butcher knife was able to pass delicate tissues without any signs of injury. Side note, as a medical doctor reading this testimony, Dr. Jean Emans should have saw the many red flags in this confession. The fact it was a small girl and a butcher knife, it is common sense that there would have been a least small signs of injuries of

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