Factions Pros And Cons

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This was written and documented by MADISON and it is about the roles and the abouts of factions and militias. Madison defines factions as being groups of peole who gather up together to protect and promote their special economic interests and political opinions about how the feel. what they stand for basically and the factions want some sort of change to happen. but one of the big problems going on when this was written was when these factions and militias got together their would be a form of violence or some form of destruction to things and people around them. in all of this there needed to overall be a damage control for these groups of people whenever they decided to gather up together. so madison comes up with two methods to stop these people from committinng chaos and anarchy, his first method was to eliminate and remove its CAUSES all together. …show more content…

Madison wrote out that the first method was completely impossible, then the second method he concluded as impractical. in the federalist No.10 it states that factions are inevitable and will always be inevitable. here's the thing though, the government created by the constitutioncontrols the damage caused or damge that will be caused by such factions. the union is an overall safeguard against domestic faction and

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