Eyewitness Testimony Essay Examples

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Introduction A robbery has been committed. Lucky for the investigating officers, there’s a room full of eyewitnesses. One by one they are interviewed meticulously. The investigators are seasoned officers with a great deal of expertise in this field. All the right questions are asked and all details are recorded correctly. Still, at the end of the day, the officers are left with an empty cash register, a frantic victim, fifteen different suspect descriptions and no leads. Why did a room full of witnesses come up with various accounts of the incident? Because, unfortunately, the human memory is fallible and easily manipulated. Everything in daily life is subjective and open to interpretation. The video Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Aspects, In the unlikely event that you agree, he asks you numerous questions about what you ate for breakfast, if you purchased a hot beverage at any restaurant before heading to school and, how often you eat fast food. At the very end of the interview he asks a strange question: “What color tie was I wearing when I walked up to you?” You look at the mans collar; he is not wearing a tie. You can not remember ever seeing him remove the tie. He is wearing an all black suit with a white shirt. You answer embarrassed with “black”. The man laughs. He was never wearing a tie. Your mind used it’s imagination to reconstruct an event using the knowledge given to you. Your answer would have most likely been different had he reworded the question. If he would have asked “Was I wearing a tie when I approached you?” or “Do you recall anything being different from when I first approached you to now?” Your answer would have most likely been no but with the information you were given, your answer changed. This is how easily influenced and convoluted our memory can be. This is a prime example of why officers must be especially cautious and highly aware of themselves when performing interviews. The questioning utilized, whether it be open or closed, can completely change an The cost is impressionism; the ability to be altered and contaminated inadvertently. Eyewitness testimonies can give insight into an event that has occurred but it can also cause misdirection. This is especially true in witnesses recounting events to someone in a position of power in which they feel a strong requirement to help the interviewing officer. They can feel both overwhelmed and overzealous in attempting to offer aid. To add to the complexity, the officer has a great deal of responsibility in such a situation to ensure that the word choice they use and the questions in which they are asking are not altering the highly suggestible witness’s memory. It is a delicate combination of strategically placed neutral open and closed ended questioning that will subsequently deliver the most efficient and reliable eyewitness

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