Exploring The Theme Of 'Change In A Christmas Carol'

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The theme of ‘A Christmas Carol’ is to give, don't be greedy, and that you can change. One event that shows this theme is “Spirit hear me. I am not the man I was. I will not be the man that I was for so many years. Why show me this if I am past all hope? Let the boy live!”. This shows the theme because it shows how Scrooge was after the spirits. He actually explains himself, that he was a bad man, and that he would change. Another place in the story that supports the theme is when Fred, Scrooge’s nephew say Merry Christmas, and Scrooge replies with Bah! Humbug. This shows that if you don’t change, you will have a sad, and miserable life. I feel this helps you see the theme clearler, because this supports the idea of changing. As you can see,

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