Explain Why Students Should Not Have Cell Phones In School

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Sneaking on your phone and getting caught is getting old. Think of all the negative thing people do with cell phones. Students miss out on work just because of cell phones. Phones stick to these students like gorilla glue. Some kids are sneaky enough not to get caught. Why not leave your phone home? Students come to school 5 days a week and barely learn anything because of their phone. Cell phones are like magnets. Even teachers get hooked to cell phones sometimes. Others may say something else but phones should not be allowed at school. There are a lot of students in the school that be on their phones and if no one does anything about it they are going to fail. So yeah students definitely should not have cell phones a school.

One reason why students should not be allowed on their phone is they do like texting. If a student is supposed to be doing work 9 times out of 10 they are checking to see if a notification is on their phone. From social media such as Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They may even suppose to be looking up something, but really be texting. Maybe go to the back of the classroom just t text where you cannot see it. Students do the slightest thing without you looking and you will never know. They maybe even watching stuff they are not supposed to watch. …show more content…

Students get their feelings hurt everyday just cause one person said something about them. For example, you are sitting in class all of a sudden someone at school sends a text saying something hurtful. This would really hurt you. Think about the consequences you would have for sending that even though you might be joking. Someone could even post a picture and a person from school instantly comments "You are ugly." You are not able to do that if phones were not

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