Explain Why Children Should Not Be Tried As Adults

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According to the Vanderbilt Law School article, a quote states, "Old enough to do the crime, old enough to do the time." This quote explains that minors who commit serious crimes are aware of their actions and should be tried as an adult while receiving an adult punishment. Although minors have more of a “risk-taking” attitude and have a higher percentage of doing these crimes, they have the same brains as adults and a few years of age does not make a huge difference when committing such a horrendous crime. Since this is not apparent in the U.S justice system, minors are able to get away with extreme crimes with only a slight consequence. This is because it is said that they have a higher chance of committing more rash acts than adults. Kids …show more content…

If minors are tried as adults, it will bring justice to people who were affected tremendously by the severe crimes committed by the convicted youth. Additionally, if a child has the adult concept and ability to go as far as intentionally committing a serious violation to the law such as a felony, then they deserve to be charged with an accurate and appropriate punishment for the crime. Those on the other side of the issue may say that because adolescent’s minds are not fully developed, they should be allowed a less harsh punishment. While that may be the case, our thesis is still true because kids are aware of what they’re doing and giving them the same leniency as people with mental illnesses is going way too far. According to the New York Times, “ There should be no excuse. Youths who commit crimes are criminals and we should not let their age continue to allow them to keep committing these crimes”. Furthermore, there are at least 2,225 child offenders in U.S prison for crimes that were committed before they were age 18 according to a national study by Amnesty International and Human Rights

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