Explain The Extent Of Crime In The United States

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Describe the extent of crime in the United States The United States is a variety of different cultures, religion and race, therefor making the crime that occurs in the U.S just as different as the people who live here. In order to understand the extent of crime in the U.S. you have to take into consideration many variables, which can have significant impact on crime. “Geographic and demographic factors specific to each jurisdiction must be considered and applied if one is going to make an accurate and complete assessment of crime in that jurisdiction, (U.S DOJ, 2009).” Although there is no exact science that tells us why people commit crime there are many factors that are known to affect the volume and type of crime. Population density and degree of urbanization as well as variation of population are factors that contribute to crime in the U.S. Teenagers are the main contributors to crime. Due to their age they are considered more likely to commit …show more content…

can lead a person to commit a crime. In situations where a family has low income a mother or father will commit a crime in order to provide for their family. Individuals who experience abuse from within their family tree have the likelihood of committing a crime to built up anger or aggression. Typically crime that are committed due to family situations are crimes that are done in order to support their family, they see no other way too help themselves but to commit a crime. There are many factors that can lead individuals to crime. If you were to look at a map of crime in the United State one would be able to tell which areas are most popular to crime. The question of why those areas are prone to more crime is not really understood, but if you were to look at the community within that area most of the time it is poverty level homes. If the government really want to make and effort and prevent crime they need to start by cleaning up the

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