Exit The King Eugene Ionesco Analysis

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Martinez, Rachel Intro to Theatre “Exit the King” By Eugene Ionesco Eugene Ionesco's play "Exit the King" is a story about the death of a King coinciding with the end of the universe. King Berenger provisionally had the privilege of appearing youthful as well as controlling when he dies. His first wife Queen Marguerite and the Doctor informs him he is going to die and that everything is falling apart — from the palace walls, to the order of the whole universe. However, his second wife Queen Marie tells him to live in the moment and not to believe what they say. King Berenger doesn't want to accept this fact, but his commands to restore order go unheeded. He no longer has control over his own life nor over anybody else for that matter. …show more content…

What is the purpose of life? But ultimately, what is the purpose of death? Why are we born just to die? These are two major wonders in the play "Exit the King" by Eugene Ionesco. For example, King Berenger asks the question, "Why was I born, if it wasn't forever?" This question wouldn't be of great significance if nobody possessed the desire to live forever. Our natural instinct is in the existence of life itself. It's an inborn pattern of survival. Furthermore, not only does the play "Exit the King" execute the theme of mankind wanting to be immortal, but it also shows how we need to prepare inwardly for when our time of demise draws near. My viewpoint on this play is that we tend to live our lives by putting off the fact that we will eventually die. The words of Queen Marie seem to be the motto of today's world, "Until death comes, you are still here." In other words, it's synonymous to the meaning of "live in the moment." The hard truth is that we are dying human beings. And it's our duty to accept this cruel fact. I would recommend the play "Exit the King" in view of the fact that it is an attempt to teach us by showing that we can learn how to die, instead of trying to avoid a fate that is impossible to

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