Life And Death In The Medieval Play Everyman

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Life and death, everyone thinks about it at some point in their lives. Questions like, what could’ve been different, or what was done wrong and how could it be fixed. These questions are usually what come to mind when a person is at their final moments of his/her lives. Most of the time, he/she believes there was so much more than what he/she has been through whether for better or worse. Every human goes through this in some form, which leads to the creation of clinical teachings like the 5 stages of dying. These 5 stages consist of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The medieval play, Everyman displays this kind of questioning of life and death. The main character, Everyman, struggles with accepting the fact there is nothing he can do to keep everything he’s built up, which is mostly worldly possessions. Everyman, the play, is a prime example of when faced with death himself, one must come to the realization that worldly …show more content…

When one side is weighed down more, the other will soon be in that same spot. Some people call it Karma, some just say what goes around comes around, and either way it’s saying there’s always a need for a balance in this world. Everyman starts out in the play with Everyman being a self-absorbed human not worrying about anything around him, until Death arrives and takes Everyman to be judged. Karma is a major plot point in the play, where Everyman is turning a blinds eye to God at the beginning, but towards the end of the play, Everyman has nothing left but God so he repents for all his sins and is granted access to the Gates of Heaven. Life and death are the significant figures of karma where life for Everyman is the evil, and death is good for him. Everyman’s attitude towards God and faith changes because of his journey towards death throughout the play. Death and life is always interpreted as evil and good respectively, but in Everyman, death is good whereas life is

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