Examples Of Setting Boundaries

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Boundaries Questions
Question 1: An example of setting boundaries that may hurt someone is…
When I first got married, my husband and I were struggling to save money to purchase a new family car and a home. We constructed a strict budget to meet our financial goals and began learning the trade of bargain shopping. In addition to our expenses, our son was diagnosed with severe food allergies, which required him to eat a special diet that is double the cost of regular food. During this time, my father, who was experiencing unfortunate circumstances pleaded with me on a regular basis to lend him cash. On one occasion, my dad asked to borrow $250.00 to send my sister on a school choir trip to Vermont, promising to pay it back. After discussing it with my husband, we decided to lend him the money so my sister would not miss the opportunity. A few months later, my stepmother called from Advanced Auto Parts asking me to give the clerk my credit card information over the …show more content…

There were multiple situations such as these throughout the year; however, we finally drew the line when my dad requested money so their house would not be repossessed. I was angry and felt manipulated and disrespected by their total disregard for our financial issues as well. I needed to set boundaries to protect my family and to respect my husband.
Question 2: Setting boundaries is different from intentionally hurting a person’s feelings because…
Explaining to my father that I could no longer lend him money was difficult, but it was different from intentionally hurting his feelings, as I helped as much as possible. An old saying states that if you give a man a fish, you only feed him for a day. However, teaching a person to fish feeds them for life. Helping my dad was only hurting him as it was enabling him to continue avoiding his responsibilities as an

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