Examples Of Discrimination In The Crucible

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Déjà-vu is the phenomenon of having a strong sensation that an event currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past. America is undergoing déjà-vu in modern times when it comes to the topic of discrimination. Years ago, a person accused of witchcraft was extremely judged upon falsely accused criminal actions. Today’s society is mirroring that same hatred towards a person, but now it’s based solely on skin color. Likewise to those accused of witchcraft, African Americans are belittled and stereotyped by social media. Although the Salem Witch Trials occurred centuries ago, racial discrimination is still present today, establishing the fear of the unknown, accusing of people based off appearance, and the taking of innocent …show more content…

During the Salem Witch Trials, this fear was set in place to ensure stability in the town. One example of a person possessing this trait to inflict fear is Abigail Williams of Salem. Abigail strikingly speaks of the horror she could bestow upon a person by exclaiming, “I will come to you in the black of some terrible night…I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down” (Miller 1223). Abigail created havoc in Salem, nobody knew what she was capable of doing, just like today it is unknown what a racist person could do to an African American. A widespread fear is predominate within the United States of police officers. Black American’s are terrified of a police officer abusing his legal authority and seeking vengeance on them. Many citizens believe that, “African Americans are disproportionately affected through every stage of the criminal justice system” (McCloud). Black folks live in fear of never knowing what a person of another race will do to them out of anger, the exact fear that was struck within the people of …show more content…

African Americans are accused of many things just because of their skin tone, or the way they present themselves. An opinion is made based on how a person looks, if you look suspicious then it is automatically assumed you are guilty of criminal activity. In America, the education system basically drives African American people to become active in criminal activity, as it is inflicted, “Black children attend under-resourced schools where they are often pushed off an academic track onto a track to prison”(“End of the War on Black People”). Back in the day, poorer people in the community of Salem were basically driven to the same criminal path. People believed that those of that social class were practicing witchcraft, and because it was inevitably assumed, the poor people actually became guilty of the crime. The Crucible presents how one shouldn’t be judged before committing a crime, it explains, “Man remember until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven” (Miller 1216). The scripture basically says you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, a man is sought well until proven

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