Examples Of Cognitive Empathy

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Empathy is the ability to understand and feel others emotions, and/or thoughts. This ability is used on a daily basis by many whether they realize it or not, but in the end is it a good thing? Empathy both guides and hinders moral action depending on the situation, and the type of empathy that is being used.
There are some situations that empathy is helpful, but there are also times where empathy does more harm that good. For example, in Paul Bloom’s (a Yale psychologist) article “Empathy can lead to Short-Sighted and Unfair Moral Bias”, he uses the example of Leslie Jamison who wrote about her experience with a good doctor “‘His calmness didn’t make me feel abandoned, it made me feel secure. I wanted to look at him and see the opposite of my fear, not its echo’”. This example also works for cancer patients. If someone is diagnosed with cancer, they don’t want the doctor to be afraid with them because it would make …show more content…

“Cognitive empathy requires a much more effortful process of ‘seeing’ things from the perspective of someone else, of adopting the point of view of another person” (Lacoboni). This empathy is used when people actively look for the other side to things. Another's viewpoint. It does not come naturally, which is why is is more rare than its subconscious counterpart. Scientists have recently discovered a new component that affects empathic abilities. They are called mirror neurons. Professor Lacoboni explains, “Mirror neurons are “smart cells” in our brains that allow us to understand others’ actions, intentions, and feelings. The mirror neurons are in many areas of our brains, and they fire when we perform an action such as grasping an apple, and similarly we see others doing it”. These mirror neurons are the root to empathy. Through them we can feel both cognitive and affective empathy and use that empathy to help

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