Reflective Essay On Empathy

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The dictionary definition of Empathy is the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of others. Simply put, empathy is the ability to step into someone else’s shoes, be aware of their feelings and understand their needs. In the workplace, empathy can show a deep respect for co-workers and show that you care, as opposed to just going by rules and regulations. An empathic leadership style can make everyone feel like a team and increase productivity, morale and loyalty. Empathy is a powerful tool in the leadership belt of a well-liked and respected executive (Pressley, 2012). Army leaders show empathy when they genuinely relate to another person’s situation, motives, and feelings. …show more content…

A good example occurred while deployed in Afghanistan and one of my NCOs was going through some very hard times with his wife back home. I completely understood that facing the possibility of divorce and separation from his children was weighing heavily on his mind. This was greatly affecting his focus on our mission in Afghanistan and I really needed him to be part of the team, but I realized he needed the care I myself could not provide. In many ways, I related with the experiences he was going through. I explained to him that talking with someone just to vent out frustrations worked for me and was a great start, however, he must seek counsel with a chaplain to help him cope with the emotional pain he was enduring. I also advised him in seeing a legal specialist for his options. His emotions were getting the best of him and his focus on his duties was faltering. After listening to the Soldier ranting on about his wife and her boyfriend repeatedly, I felt that I had enough, I had to refer him to see a behavior health specialist to help him deal with his newfound anger, and to provide necessary tools to become an effective Soldier and NCO. After lots of encouragement and monitoring progress with his situation, he bounced back and was ready to

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