Examples Of Air Force Cheating Scandal

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Skyler Stone
Course Paper Draft

Air Force Nuclear Cheating Scandal
The Air Force Nuclear Cheating Scandal illustrates the societal pressures to succeed and men doing everything in their power to succeed, even though they sacrificed their integrity along the way. In order to pass the nuclear tests, the Air Force Officers cheated on the tests, while their superiors allowed this to happen. As conflicting messages delivered from the chain of command began, the company-grade officers began to feel the pressure to score high test scores. In total, nine high leadership level officers have been relieved of their positions for failing “to provide adequate oversight of their crew force.” Additionally, Col. Robert Stanley, the head of the …show more content…

While looking at Kantian Ethics, one must look at the whole picture. If one officer is to cheat on the nuclear tests to do well and to get the leadership officers to appreciate his work, then every officer must cheat. If every officer were to cheat, then the nuclear officers would be following the rule “it is permissible to cheat.” However, this rule could not be adopted universally, because everyone would become void of honor and integrity. In addition, this rule could not be adopted into the Air Force, as their honor code is “We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” While this is a negatively connoted code, the code still stand true that no one shall cheat or tolerate anyone who does. As this is directly specified, the rule “it is permissible to cheat” cannot be adopted in the Air Force. Therefore, using Kantian Ethics, the officers should not cheat. The next ethical theory to look at is Utilitarianism Ethics. This principle bases off of the most happiness. Since every member was passing the tests, making this Air Force base look good on paper, many people were happy. However, by cheating on these tests, the officers may not be adequately prepared for war and securing these nuclear warheads. This could cause many people do die on their behalf, causing unhappiness for a great amount of people. Therefore, using Utilitarianism thinking this act is immoral. The next theory is Relativism. Relativists believe that throughout the world there are a variety of moral systems that are each different and supported by groups of people. Relativists also believe that “morality is a matter of history and geography.” In Montana, the superior officers stressed that each lower-level officer must pass the tests with 100%’s. Additionally, the supervising officers would turn a blind eye to the ones taking the test

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